On December 6th, 2022, my attention was captivated by a story on NPR's "All Things Considered." Juana Summers interviewed Stafford Braxton, the owner of "Santas Just Like Me." In this poignant interview, Stafford not only revealed the immeasurable joy he brings to families through Black and Brown Santas but also exposed the relentless wave of racist backlash he endures.

Stafford shared a heartbreaking anecdote: “Matter of fact, we had an event - when you're approaching the Santa set where I'm located, you cannot tell what the Santa looks like that is in the chair until you walk around. And so the little girl was anxious, ready to go see Santa. And when she saw Santa, she was ready to get in line to go see him. But the mother said that's not the kind we like… So you can see how racism is perpetuated from one generation to the next. I receive multiple phone calls. I saved about 10 or 15 that have been very vile, and I wouldn't even repeat the stuff that have been said to me or to Santa.

These words struck a deep chord within me, as I, too, have experienced the pain of anonymous anti-Semitic messages. They birthed the vision for "American Santa," a film that seeks to authentically portray Stafford Braxton's journey and the extraordinary experiences of the Black Santas. With utmost respect and a commitment to truth, I expressed to Stafford my intention to confront the harsh reality of racism head-on. I recognized the significance of including the vile and racist voice messages as a stark counterpoint to the profound joy and positivity Stafford and the Santas radiate. By weaving these contrasting narratives together, I aim to expose the glaring disparity between the love and acceptance they embody and the ugliness of racism that persists in our society.

With Stafford's support, we embarked on a transformative journey. Through the lens of "American Santa," we seek to illuminate both the peaks and valleys, showcasing the indomitable resilience and grace displayed by these ordinary heroes. By sharing these difficult experiences, our film aims to ignite vital conversations, challenge perceptions, educate hearts, and inspire meaningful change. It is a testament to the pressing need for equality, understanding, and unwavering acceptance in our shared journey toward a more inclusive and compassionate society.

-Avi Zev Weider // Director